What Is Titan Zink roofing

The material used for this type of roof – is a complex fusion of several metals. The main of them – zinc, it is over 90%, are also used: titanium, copper, and aluminum. It defines the main structure such as a roof: strength, flexibility, relatively low cost.

The zinc roofing requires no care, they are easily repaired and serve for a long time. In dry urban climates, material can be served up to 100 years, in the wet – about 70.

As a building material, zinc roof does not contain harmful substances and is completely safe for human health. In addition, this metal is much cheaper than copper, making it more economical.

The alloy of titanium and zinc has another unique ability that distinguishes it from other building materials. On the surface of the titanium-zinc roofing is independently formed protective oxide film – patina. Its appearance begins immediately after the first interaction of the material with the environment. Formation of patina lasts about 4 – 5 years. As a result, titanium-zinc roofing metal loses shine and becomes of gray color. In several European countries, the technology of artificial patina (aging) zinc-titanium alloy is successfully used. Natural shades of zinc roof sheeting range from almost white to dark gray. When using an artificial patina roof with titanium-zinc alloy can be of any other color until the black.

The only drawback of the titanium-zinc alloy is losing its plasticity at ambient temperatures below + 5 ° C. Therefore, assembling zinc roofing sheets should be at or below 5 ° C. However, after the installation of the roof with the titanium-zinc, no differences in temperatures on the roof are not affected. Mounted titanium-zinc roofs perfectly preserve tightness and corrosion and they do not require special care.

Advantages Of Titan Zink?

  1. Reliability and durability – Titanium-Zink, is very strong and is not prone to corrosion processes, is resistant to environmental wear and tear and it wears out slowly. Titan-Zink is also Maintenance free.
  2. A lightweight Material. Titan-Zink is a lightweight material is easy to operate, which means that construction work requires less effort. Second, the lightweight makes installation of the roof with titanium-zinc very quiet, which is important if the work is necessary for densely populated areas.
  3. Tightness. No one wants a leaky roof and double seam stitch once and for all solves the problem.
  4. Presentable appearance – Titan Zink roofs are beautiful and affordable when done with care. The only material that gives a better appearance is copper but we can match that by applying a patina protective layer.

What are the Disadvantages of Titan-Zink

Titan Zink Roof panels have very few disadvantages. The largest complaints regarding the roof aren’t anything structural but rather the noise the roof generates with rain and hail, but this is only true if you do not lay under roof insulation or have a seriously bad installation as that will enhance the noise, but this is the largest disadvantage.

The second disadvantage is not something you have to worry about with KDF Roofing. It needs to be very carefully transported and installed to prevent spoiling the roof’s appearance.

What does a Titan Zink Roof Cost

There are two prices attached to any roof that you need to keep in mind. The first is the upfront price, this is what the roofing material, installation, and finishes will total to. The second is the long term cost in maintenance, damage and eventually replacing the material when it comes to the end of its life.

Titan-Zink is a clear winner on both these fronts when it comes to metal roofing, Titan-Zink is much cheaper than copper and even cheaper than aluminum. Zink roofing is also known to last hundreds of years, even in the most extreme environments.