What is Copper Sheet Roofing

Copper the main material used for this type of roofing has earned a respected place in the field of not only roofing but also architecture. We can see Copper Roof singles used as early as 300 BC in Sri Lanka while the Hildesheim Cathedral still has its original copper roof that was installed in 1280 AD, more than 739 years ago.

KDF roofing recommends copper roofing when you truly want a roof that can not only stand the test of time but that is also virtually maintenance free and durable. Copper is unique in that as it ages, it changes the aesthetic of the roof while all the time maintaining the same strength and resistance to the elements as when it was first installed. The trade-off to such a long life span is the cost, copper is by far the most expensive roof sheeting that you can use.

Advantages Of Copper Roof Sheeting?

  1. Reliability and durability – Copper roofing, is a highly corrosion resistant material. It loses less than 0.4 mm over a 200 year period. It is also virtually maintenance free and develops it’s own protective coating as it ages.
  2. Low thermal movement and lightweight – Copper Roofing is not very susceptible to temperature changes, up to 40% less susceptible than zink or lead. It is also a very lightweight material and when you take the weight into account with the lowered thermal movement, less support structure is needed, which allows the roof to almost float between its supports.
  3. Beautiful with a wide range of finishes – Copper is a beautiful material and highly versatile in that you can change its appearance by subjecting it to a variety of chemical processes. Its lightweight nature makes it easy to style, curve or shape to any form. This is the go-to material when it comes to sheer natural beauty.
  4. Sustainability – Copper is a sustainable material. Its durability offers long service with little maintenance. Its high electrical and thermal energy efficiencies reduce the waste of electrical energy. Its antimicrobial properties destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause disease. And its high scrap value and ability to be continuously recycled without any loss in performance ensure its responsible management as a valuable resource.

What are the Disadvantages of Copper Roof Sheeting

Copper roofing overall is a fantastic material with far more advantages than disadvantages. As a material, however, it does have a few disadvantages:

  1. Cost – Copper is one of the most expensive materials in upfront cost and installation. If you take into account that your standard copper roof can last up to 1000 years though, it balances out.
  2. Noise – Copper, like all metal roofing, is a better conductor of noise than slate, concrete or clay roofing. So rain and other weather will generally sound louder than on non-metallic roofing. We can mitigate this through the installation of various insulation products and cushioning supporting structures.
  3. Radio Frequency Shielding – This is both an advantage and disadvantage of copper; as copper roofing absorbs radio waves, it will interfere with modern cellular devices. If this does become a problem, one can always install repeater devices within the house.
  4. Theft – Copper is a highly sustainable material as you are able to recycle it without losing any of its beneficial properties. As such it fetches a premium at local scrap yards. As such, if you are installing a copper roof, it’s important to keep this in mind during construction. The Copper roofing is going to be one of the most expensive parts of your construction and in South Africa highly prone to theft until it is installed.

What does a Copper Roof Cost

There are two prices attached to any roof that you need to keep in mind. The first is the upfront price, this is what the roofing material, installation, and finishes will total to. The second is the long term cost in maintenance, damage and eventually replacing the material when it comes to the end of its life.

Copper roofing is one of the most expensive materials in upfront costs to use but when you take into account all the advantages of copper, including its low maintenance and its life span that is estimated to be 1000 years, it is one of those roofing materials with the lowest overall cost price.